Frequently Asked Questions 

We knew you'd have questions.  Good thing we have some answers.


question: how long do I keep the tape on my skin?

You want to keep the tape fully covering the wart and surrounding perimeter for a consecutive six (6) days, followed by one (1) day off.  Apply a new tape sticker and repeat the 6:1  cycle for 2-4 weeks if the wart appears to be progressing / shrinking. Water is the enemy of anything sticky! But it doesn't mean it won't work.  Frequent hand-washing or sweat (feet/hands) will definitely impact the adhesion - just like with any bandage! - so you will need to apply stickers more often. But on other parts of body - legs, arms, trunk - you will find you get longer adhesion (days) from each, even with routine showering. Remember: part of what makes tape work is both the type of tape, and how it irritates the wart or molluscum and gets your own body's immune system to respond. So it's important to try to maintain tape-to-wart contact.


Question: why does my skin looks gross / pale after I removed the tape?

Yes, it's normal and even a bit scary (can someone say Voldemort skin??) to see how pale / odd your skin looks after being covered with tape for six consecutive days. It IS a part of the process for getting rid of that pesky wart, but it's also why it's important to take a day off and let the skin "breathe" for a day after six days of treatment. Part of that is the theory of why tape occulsion therapy works so well!   

Actual user photo before and after two weeks of treatment

Actual user photo before and after two weeks of treatment

question: How do I know when i am done with treatment? 

The picture is that of an actual Wart and Peace user. The wart is clearly visible on day 1 one of treatment.  After going through two cycles of 6 days on and 1 day off, the patient's result is a small impression or crater left in the skin where the wart once was.  The impression is a good indiction the wart "root" has also been cleared - which is essential for the wart not to re-appear. 


Will this work on Molluscum?

Yes! Tape occlusion therapy is recommended by the medical community to treat and cover (prevent further spread) of molluscum contagiousum in adults and children.  Here a dermatology group explains the results of duct tape occlusion therapy study for molluscum. An excerpt from the report: "The use of duct tape occlusion therapy for molluscum contagiosum has several advantages over conventional treatment. Treatment is nondestructive and painless ... duct tape is widely available and affordable compared to the costs of traditional over-the-counter and prescription medications. The tape is applied at home, obviating office visits. Molluscum contagiosum is self-limiting and can remit spontaneously. However, when  lesions persist, the use of duct tape occlusion may be a more acceptable, nontoxic treatment option, especially for  young children."

Wart and Peace stickers are a quick and easy (not to mention cute!) option for frequent applications of tape on molluscum.  They save the time and hassle of regularly cutting and placing tape - and offer a little personality, too.