Following Directions is Never a Bad Idea


directions for use:

1. Select the appropriate-size sticker for the wart. Make sure the sticker fully covers the entire wart, leaving no portion of the wart and surround skin border exposed.

2. Clean the skin with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils that may interfere with good adhesion.

3. Place the sticker on the wart and press down on the sticker and its edges to ensure good adhesion. This will help create a barrier against oxygen and moisture - which is important for the treatment to work. 

4. Keep the tape fully covering the wart and surrounding perimeter for a consecutive six (6) days, followed by one (1) day off.  Apply a new tape sticker and repeat the 6:1  cycle for 2-4 more weeks.  You should begin seeing progress after the first week of treatment. And you may see full resolution by the end of week two or three.  

5. Check the sticker daily. If a sticker falls off or begins to peel and exposes the wart, reapply another sticker. Just like Band-Aids, stickers on hands and feet exposed to moisture (hand-washing, sweat) won't stay on as long, so we recommend you check and change stickers in these areas more often. Stickers will adhere longer to legs, arms and body - even with routine showering.  

6. After six (6) days, you may lightly abrade (rub) the uncovered wart with a pumice stone or nail file to help speed the process.  

7. After the first 6:1 cycle, the wart should be shrinking, if not nearly gone.  If it is still visible as a raised bump, continue on to another 6:1 cycle.   Once you see a visible depression or "crater" in the skin where the wart was, you can stop treatment. Your wart is gone!

8. Namaste. Peace from that wart once and for all. ✌️