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Made in Michigan

Wart and Peace was founded by a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based mother of two kids, both of whom had a few unsightly – albeit common! – warts on their hands and feet. Under the direction and suggestion of her pediatrician, she tried tape occlusion therapy with great success. 

Drawing on that experience, she created simple, cost-effective duct tape stickers in fun shapes and sizes for kids and adults to effectively and painlessly treat their warts.   


Our Mission

Why do something hard, when the first step might be simple and just as effective?  Our goal is to give you a proven – but, in all transparency, fairly "low tech" – solution for a common problem. Sometimes the simple solutions are really the best solutions, especially when they don't cost you that much time or money. 

That's our mission: simple, safe, and effective solutions for a common problem. (Warts!)  

And your happiness. 

Hope that's good with you, too.  ✌️

Duct tape occlusion therapy was significantly more effective than cryotherapy for the treatment of the common wart
— Journal of the American Medical Association (2002 study)

Benefits of tape occlusion therapy

  • Clinically studied and shown to be more effective than other common in-office and over-the-counter chemical-based treatments like cryotherapy (freeze-off method)* 

  • Much more cost-effective than other over-the-counter or in-office treatments (no copays and less than the cost of a prescription!) 

  • Easy and simple - which creates better compliance with treatment and likelihood of resolution

  • Well-tolerated, non-toxic and pain-free solution for younger children* 

  • Low-risk of adverse reactions, other than minor skin irritations

  • No painful acids or freeze-off chemicals 

  • Duct tape occlusion is also suitable and recommended for molluscum contagiosum. Our stickers are perfect shapes and sizes to cover, treat and contain the spread of the virus.**



*Focht III DR, Spicer C, Fairchok MP. The Efficacy of Duct Tape vs Cryotherapy in the Treatment of Verruca Vulgaris (the Common Wart). Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002;156(10):971–974. doi:10.1001/archpedi.156.10.971
